As always, I'm not responsible if by following this guide you brick your TouchPad, do at your own risk.
If you're like me (and thousands of other bargain hunting geeks) and snapped up a cheap HP TouchPad, I'm sure you're using the third party browser Advanced Browser from the App Catalog.
Whilst it is much better than the stock browser, it's not without it's problems. The most common complaints I've seen on forums and reviews are:
1. Unable to make it the default browser that opens when clicking links in other apps, eg. email etc.
2. It covers the status/notification bar.
I'll be showing how to fix both of this. But lets make it default in this post. "Let's'a'go"
Method 1 - (Disable/Hide Default browser)
1. Install Preware if you haven't already (google will help you with this)
2. Install Internalz Pro from Preware.
3. Open Internalz Pro -> app name in top left corner of the screen -> Preferences -> turn on 'Master Mode' -> app name again -> close
4. Navigate to /usr/palm/
5. Create a new directory called 'hidden' (or anything really)
6. Navigate to /usr/palm/applications
7. Move the directory into the newly created hidden directory
8. Navigate to /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/com.maklesoft.browser
9. Open appinfo.json
10. Change the second line, starting with "id" to:
"id": ""
11. Restart you tablet
12. Done
Method 2 - (Make Advanced Browser default, but stock browser still useable)
1. Install Preware if you haven't already (google will help you with this)
2. Install Internalz Pro from Preware.
3. Open Internalz Pro -> app name in top left corner of the screen -> Preferences -> turn on 'Master Mode' -> app name again -> close
4. Open /usr/palm/applications/
5. Change the second line, starting with "id" to:
"id": ""
6. Open /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/com.maklesoft.browser
5. Change the second line, starting with "id" to:
"id": ""
7. Restart you tablet
8. Done